There are so many ways to share information today; website, social media, film, podcast, newsletter, articles, presentations, posters, webinar and so on. Get acquainted to the different choices and choose what option feels best for you and your target group.

Whatever you choose, here are some good advices:

  • Keep it simple. Choose a way to communicate that you feel comfortable with, and set a goal that is reachable.
  • Use a language that is plain and easy to understand.
  • Adapt your writing and speaking to the recipient.
  • Address the reader/listener in a respectful tone.
  • In writing, choose a head line that is appealing, short and correct.
  • Using photos, ask for permission if the photo isn’t yours or be sure it is free to use.

These advices are, of course, always applicable when you interact with other people. Not only on social media. 🙂


50 per cent of the world’s population has access to Internet today. A website is almost a must today. When people search for information, telephone numbers, producers, the ”google” it. And you want to be found, right?
There are quite easy tools to find if you want to make your own website. Otherwise, there are plenty of enterprises that can help you. What is important, is that you know what you want with your website. Is it only for contact information? Do you want a web shop where customers can buy your products? Do you want to write a blog and give people an insight of your business?
The possibilities are many. Make sure you get a website that correspond to your ambition. A website needs to be up-to-date and ”alive”.

Social media

More than three billion people are active social media users!
Two billion choose to be on Facebook. If you don’t feel comfortable with Facebook, you can choose only to have a profile for your enterprise. You don’t have to be private and you don’t have to show everything to everyone. Find your own way in using Facebook.


On Instagram, you communicate in photos. You post photos and few words. It is a way to build your trade mark without too much effort.


Film is a pretty easy way to communicate today. Most smart phones have good cameras and easy applications for editing. Films should be short, only a couple of minutes. It is better to make a couple of short films instead of one long. Post your film on YouTube and link to it from your Facebook page or website.


Podcasts are audio files, a kind of radio-on-demand. To produce a podcast you need a microphone, silent surrounding and an interesting topic to talk about. Listen to different kind of podcasts and see what kind of ”programs” appeal to you. You can search for podcasts on Internet.


A newsletter is a fairly easy way to stay in contact with your customers. However, behold that people tend to be showered with e-mails, so don’t overdo it. Set an interval that is doable both for you and the receiver.
Keep the articles short, and insert a ”read-more-link” for more information.


Webinar is a seminar or other presentation that takes place on the Internet, allowing participants in different locations to see and hear the speaker, ask questions, and sometimes answer polls. It can be quite easy to produce with a smart phone and chat function.